Corporate Partnership Program
Corporate Partnership Program
Hire a Monroe Student
Is your company looking to recruit new talent? Monroe's Corporate Partnership Program will work with you to fill your needs while providing our students with valuable work experience. Corporate Partners can participate in our internship program, conduct online and on-campus recruitment, and receive customized workforce training. Plus, your employees receive a grant of up to 20% off their tuition for any of our courses.
Please reach out to Pamela DellaPorta with any questions.
Monroe Interns
Our interns are supervised by internship coordinators and faculty to maximize their effectiveness. Monroe places over 1,000 interns each year with corporate partners and other employers.
Please reach out to Shenique Rojas-Hyman with any questions.
Post a Position
List a Job Opportunity
Employers seeking to recruit one of Monroe's 7,000 students or 30,000 alumni may link directly to the Office of Career Services' online database system by visiting
- Click on “Employer” and follow the instructions. If this is your first time logging in, you will need to register for a new account.
- Within 48 hours, you will receive an email confirmation with additional instructions about posting jobs. You will then be able to easily post jobs and internships, view resumes, and contact students directly. There is no charge to post a position.
- Your listing should include the position description, desired candidate qualifications, location, hours of employment, salary range, and application instructions.
- Employers may also fax, mail, or email current career opportunities to the Office of Career Services who will post them on
- Posted job opportunities are often publicized through distribution to professors in related departments for class announcement and emailed directly to appropriate students.
Career Fairs
Attend a Fair
Monroe Career Fairs provide employers with excellent opportunities to meet students and discuss positions in their organizations. Our last career fair attracted over 100 employers and approximately 400 students. We strongly encourage you to invite current employees who are also Monroe alumni to our next career fair.
Information Sessions
Host an Event
Employers are encouraged to hold information sessions on our campuses to discuss career opportunities with Monroe students. Simply contact Career Services to arrange for a suitable date and time. We will publicize your campus visit and provide suitable meeting rooms with computers and projectors as needed.
To assure that your company information is available to our students and visitors year-round, we encourage you to provide company brochures and other information for placement and email distribution in the Career Services offices.
List of Corporate Partners

Pamela DellaPorta
Vice President, Career Services & Corporate Outreach