Corey Cush

From Military Service: Paving the Path to I.T. Success.

Corey Cush transitioned out of active duty military service and saw the potential of using the Montgomery GI Bill to pursue a bachelor's degree. Realizing that his parents couldn't afford to send him to college directly, he decided to join the military to earn the GI Bill benefits, which would help him attend college later. Corey had a clear plan during his time in the military—to go to college and earn his bachelor's degree.

His journey with Monroe College began with two separate stints. The first experience was when Monroe was still known as Monroe Business School and lacked dorms, functioning more like a community college. He pursued the associate's degree program during this phase. After completing his associate's degree, Corey returned to Monroe in 1997 when the college offered a BA program. During this period, he attended school during the day while working at night, thus laying the foundation for his Information Technology career.

Upon graduating with his bachelor's degree, Corey was already employed but recognized the additional opportunities that came with having a degree from Monroe. At that time, he was working for Prodigy, an Internet Service Provider, and his newly acquired bachelor's degree allowed him to secure a position with a company called Gen Re. This opened the door to further career advancements, leading him to work for NYC Health and Hospitals Corporation and later Montefiore, where he eventually became the Chief Technology Officer.

Throughout his professional journey, Corey maintained a strong connection with Monroe College. He developed a program in collaboration with the college that provided internship opportunities for students, with the possibility of transitioning them into full-time employees based on their performance. This initiative demonstrated his commitment to giving back to the college and supporting its alumni network.

To this day, Corey Cush cherishes a positive and enduring relationship with Monroe College, recognizing the instrumental role it played in shaping his successful career in Information Technology.