Monroe Celebrates Pride Month

President Jerome today shared a powerful message of support and solidarity with the College community about Pride Month. Below is the email he sent out to students, faculty, and staff:


"Dear Monroe Community:

This week marks the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots in New York, an event that is widely recognized as the catalyst for what was once known simply as the gay rights movement in the U.S.

Today, we recognize that there is far greater diversity among us than the term “gay” implies, and have embraced the acronym LGBTQ+ as our thinking and understanding evolved.

Professor James Young and Joy Tolliver, our General Counsel, recently gave an exceptional talk at a higher education conference that explained what those letters represent and how to support the LGBTQ+ community on campus and in our daily lives. I was extraordinarily proud that Monroe led that talk, and thank them both for representing the College and our values so well.

However you identify, know that you are welcomed and respected at Monroe.

Here the LGBTQ+ community will always find a safe haven, a voice, and an ally in the continued work to demand equality, dignity, and a life free from discrimination.

As an institution that reflects and advocates for diversity and inclusion, we stand with you.

June is Pride Month, and I am so proud to know of the wonderful events and conversations that took place on campus (and off) in celebration and recognition of the countless contributions of the LGBTQ+ community to history, culture, the economy, and beyond. Some of our staff and students walked at the New York City Pride March last weekend, while others attended our Alumni Association’s “Freedom to Be” event in Gaddy Atrium. My thanks to all who organized and attended those events on behalf of the College.

While Pride Month may be coming to an end, the work to demand equality for all does not. Let us continue to work toward a more equitable future where everyone can be seen and valued for who they are without fear or reprisal."