Health Care
Classes in Health Care
We offer a very easy registration process where you can choose classes that work for you so that you can successfully complete the 150 hour requirement for obtaining a CPA License.
Community Health Services
PH-206-48A – Community Health Services (3 credits)
This course offers a study of the field of Community Health that addresses the health issues facing communities in the United States. The course explores the meanings of health, disease and illness, the concept of community, and the ways in which health problems are considered. Additionally, students examine health behaviors, health promotion and disease prevention, environmental influences, and health care financing.
Prerequisite: HA-101 or HA-106.
Electronic Health Records
HA-245 – Electronic Health Records (3 credits)
This course equips health care and technology professionals with practical, comprehensive knowledge of electronic health records, including their adoption, implementation, function and use in various health care settings.
Prerequisite: HA-101 or HA-106.
Introduction to Contemporary Health Issues
HA-106 – Introduction to Contemporary Health Issues (3 credits)
This introductory study of health issues facing communities in the United States increases student knowledge and awareness of basic health information, the wellness concept, healthy lifestyle choices, and accepting personal responsibility for achieving optimal health. The course emphasizes issues such as stress-management, mental and nutritional health and wellness, substance use and abuse, infectious and noninfectious diseases, as well as environmental and consumer health.
Prerequisite: None.
HOA Insurance & Billing Procedure
HA-240 – HOA Insurance & Billing Procedure (3 credits)
This course introduces students to health insurance claims processes and billing procedures. Students learn to: abstract patient records; accurately code all diagnoses, procedures, and services using ICD10 for diagnoses and CPT codes; apply knowledge of insurance rules and regulations for major insurance programs; operate the bookkeeping software; accurately post charges, payments and adjustments to patient accounts; and review insurance payments and explanation-of-benefits forms.
Concepts of Managed Care
HA-295 – Concepts of Managed Care (3 credits)
This course offers an in-depth analysis of the nature and operations of managed care systems in the United States. Students discuss the purpose and implementation of various plans and how they function. Students also analyze provider, manager, and consumer perspectives, as well as the integration of health care delivery systems and the resulting financial implications.
Prerequisite: HA-101 or HA-106.
The Continuum of Care
HA-310 – The Continuum of Care (3 credits)
This course provides a comprehensive overview of alternative health care delivery with a focus on long-term care. Students learn the operating characteristics of health care systems designed for seniors, children, mental health patients, veterans, and rehabilitation patients. This encompasses the provision of care via nursing facilities, home health agencies, hospices, and assisted living facilities.
Prerequisite: HA-101 or HA-106.
Anatomy and Physiology
HC-108 – Anatomy and Physiology (3 credits)
This course introduces students to essential concepts of the anatomy and physiology of the body and their relations to human diseases. It offers a comprehensive, in-depth study of the major human body systems, as well as cell structure and function. An anatomical and physiological approach to each of the body systems is pursued with medical ramifications where applicable. The principles and concepts pertinent to the understanding of pathophysiology are also emphasized.
Prerequisite: None.
Women’s Health
PH-115 — Women’s Health (3 credits)
This course provides an introduction to key issues affecting women's health in the United States with special emphasis on cultural values, health care in minority populations, disease prevention, and consumer health concerns. In addition, the course addresses important ethical and policy issues concerning health care access, reproductive status, the valuation of caretakers, and medical social control. The course gives students a greater appreciation and understanding of the overall health and ill-health that women face in general and how to better educate themselves and others to deal with these issues.
Prerequisite: None.
Health and Human Behavior
PH-255 – Health and Human Behavior (3 credits)This course is an introduction to the fundamental concepts of health attitudes and behavior within the contexts of sociological, psychological, and biological systems. Students explore the use of behavior change theories as a basis for the development of behavior change intervention programs. Consideration is given to social, interpersonal, and individual factors that influence health behavior and status.
Prerequisite: HA-101 or HA-106; LA-101 or LA-102 or LA-111.
Cultural Competency in Health Care
HA-315 — Cultural Competency in Health Care (3 credits)
This course focuses on how to effectively provide cross- cultural services and develop an awareness of the biases and prejudices that can hamper communication, compliance, and outcomes in the health care industry. Students explore some of the critical issues in working with culturally diverse populations, and are trained to develop a higher level of cultural competency.
Prerequisite: HA-101 or HA-106.
Classes in Health Care
We offer a very easy registration process where you can choose classes that work for you so that you can successfully complete the 150 hour requirement for obtaining a CPA License.
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